Design Guide for Laser Cut and Bending Parts

Useful information on supported 3D formats, how to properly prepare your files for laser cutting and bending, and our process capacities and limitations.


Bending Process

Format and Software

Preparing Your File

Process features

Additional Considerations

Click on the topics to access them.

Bending Process

At LaserBoost, we perform sheet metal bending using the “air bending” method with the latest state-of-the-art technology from Trumpf™.
This method requires a punch and die to shape a flat geometry into a volumetric one.

laser plegado placa
intor bend 2

We have the experience and machinery necessary to ensure manufacturing that aligns with your designs and delivers a superior quality finish.

> Capabilities of the bending process

Our precision and maximum measurements at a glance:

capaticades 1

Accurate folding

Tight Tolerances

capaticades 2

3000 x 1500 mm

Maximum Size of Your Unfolded Part

Cutting thickness

0.3 mm ~ 8 mm

Bending Thickness

* Check here for manufacturing tolerances

or get more information about our bending service.

Heat Deformation in Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is a precise technique for manufacturing parts. However, if a design has a high cutting density, elevated temperatures can be generated during the process. These temperatures might lead to deformations in the part, compromising its quality and functionality. Therefore, it’s important to consider the distribution of cuts and adjust the design to avoid excessive heat concentrations.

At LaserBoost, we employ different cutting strategies to deal with this effect. Nevertheless, in extreme cases, the effect might still be visible. One way to reduce this effect, especially common in grid patterns, is to space out the holes. Additionally, this approach can lead to cost savings for your part.


Design with High Cutting Density

Design with Moderate Cutting Density

Formats and Software

> Supported formats

At LaserBoost, we work with 3D CAD files to ensure maximum precision in cutting and bending. Below, we list the accepted formats and their requirements.

placa 01
placa 02
placa 03

Example .STEP 1 Preview

Example .STEP 2 Preview

Example .STEP 3 Preview

Unlike 2D files, the thickness of the part cannot be modified in the configurator for 3D files. The files must already be designed with the desired thickness.

Regarding export from other formats: We do not accept STEP/STP files exported from STL. The STL format triangulates geometries, creating inaccuracies that make manufacturing difficult. Please submit STEP/STP files generated directly from your CAD software.

Likewise, we will reject parts from design programs that do not have a proper sheet metal drawing module or are based on surface modeling, as they do not guarantee geometries suitable for manufacturing.

Recommended CAD Software

There are many programs for drawing in CAD. The ones listed below are the most commonly used by our clients for laser cutting and bending. All of them offer a free trial version.

CAD Software for Laser Cutting Files with 3D Bending

Autodesk Fusion360™

Perfect to get started, a free program with all the necessary tools to draw any geometry in flat or bent form.


The most widely used in the industry, a highly professional tool and a classic in 3D design.

We support STEP format for our laser cutting process with bending. All CAD software can export to this universal format.
Our platform is able to detect all the necessary parameters to show you a price on the fly. You can download some example parts in STEP format below:

If you do not have the STEP file of your project, you can send your instructions to our technical team at They will generate the file for you, but please note that this may incur an additional design fee.

Do you have any doubts about the creation of your files? Contact us.

Preparing your file

The 10 basic points to get your parts ready for our configurator:

> Scale

Your part must be the exact size you want it to be manufactured (1:1 scale), in millimetres. For parts with cutting and bending, the dimensions cannot be edited in the configurator, for different dimensions you will have to modify the file in your CAD software.

Imagen dimensiones correctas 120x150x80 mm

> Content

Elements such as note balloons, dimensions, or any other additional markings will not be considered in the manufacturing process.

Imagen dimensiones incorrectas

Each file must contain only a single part with its defined geometry, without including any additional elements. We do not accept assemblies.

Captura de pantalla 2025 02 25 142527

> Bendings

Our bending forming technology is commonly referred to as “air bending”. Your designs must meet the following guidelines in order to be manufactured correctly.

All bendings of your creation must have radius folds. We do not accept files with bendings without a radius.

radio corte láser

To ensure your file is correct, the inner radius must match the sheet thickness, as this is the industry standard. Non-concentric, smaller, or larger radii are not valid.


If these guidelines are not met, our team will adapt your parts to meet the correct shape.

> Unsupported geometries

We work daily to offer more industrial processes online. Below, we provide some details about our capabilities and production limitations.

Non-Perpendicular Perforations

We do not accept geometries that are not perpendicular to the sheet. All laser cutting systems operate with a beam that cuts only in a vertical direction, making it impossible to create angled holes.

Captura de pantalla 2025 02 25 143358

Aesthetic Radii and Curvature

We do not accept aesthetic radii or curvatures in bending. We use the air bending technique, which means we can only create bends with a radius equal to the material thickness.

Captura de pantalla 2025 02 25 143510

Special Bends

We are continuously expanding our manufacturing capabilities. The geometries below are not yet available, but if your design requires any of them, contact us at, our team will evaluate its feasibility and provide a quote.

Captura de pantalla 2025 02 25 143805

> Angles

We can perform bendings with any inclination angle within the following limits, depending on the material thickness.

Thickness (mm)

Possible Angle

0.5mm ~ 6.0mm

180º  ~ 30º : Possible
30º ~ 0º : Consult with the technical team !


180º  ~ 90º : Possible
90º ~ 0º : Consult with the technical team !


For bendings within the indicated range with the symbol (!), you can inquire about feasibility with our team at

> Minimum Flange Size

To ensure precise and safe bending, it is essential that the size of bent flanges meets a minimum requirement according to the material thickness. This measurement is crucial to protect both the machinery and the safety of our team.

Thickness t (mm)

Minimum bending height b (mm)


























> Minimum distance between bending and shapes

During the bending process, forces are generated that expand and compress the material in areas close to the bend. Any hole, cut, or geometry located within the recommended minimum distances may experience deformations.

Thickness t (mm)

Safe minimum distance f (mm)

























plegado formas

> Z-shaped bendings

In designs with consecutive or very close bends, known as Z-shaped bends, it is essential to maintain a minimum distance between them to ensure precise and feasible manufacturing.

Thickness t (mm)

Safe minimum distance z (mm)


























> U-shaped bendings

For channeled geometries, known as “U” or “C” shapes, it is important to consider the limitations of our bending process.

In general, if the geometry is too tall and narrow, it may collide with our bending punches. If this happens, our team will contact you to suggest modifications that enable successful manufacturing.

To accurately check if your part will avoid collisions, we provide our bending punch diagram in CAD format. To ensure compatibility, position your bend on the die at 45 degrees and check for any interference.

collision esp 1


Example of correct geometry:

collision no eng 1


We provide you with the diagram of our sharpest tool. This way, you can check for any collision in your design before placing the order.

Box-Type Parts

For box- or tray-shaped parts, it is important to consider that the maximum allowed height to avoid collisions is 115 mm.

Captura de pantalla 2025 02 25 145129

In this case, we define a “box” as any part with bends on all sides and in the same direction, similar to an open-top shoebox.

This limitation does not apply if the part has one or more sides without bends—in that case, it would no longer be considered a box.

Process features

Bending Marks

During the bending process, typical bending marks may appear. These marks can be more or less visible depending on the material and thickness. In materials with a PVC protective film (available only for stainless steel), the marks are less visible.

marcas de plegado

Example of Material with Protective Film

Example of Material without Protective Film


If your part requires a completely mark-free bending process, we have methods to achieve this. Contact us at to request this option. Please note that this may incur an additional cost.

Additional Considerations

Relief Cuts

Your design may require shaping or drilling close to the fold, closer than the minimum distances recommended in our manufacturing guidelines. We recommend adjusting your CAD design by either repositioning the holes or adding a relief slot at the bend to prevent potential deformations. These deformations can also alter the final dimensions and tolerances of the part.

near detalle

In the same way, if a fold ends in a flange height that is lower than the stipulated minimum height, this can lead to deformations, in which case we also advise you to make a groove. An example of this would be parts with sharp folds.

desaogo detalle

You can find the minimum values of distance to holes in the following link.

Entities in contact

When designing your bent parts, keep in mind that flat entities should not touch each other, neither on walls nor on folds. Always leave a free space, a good measure of separation would be 0.20mm.

face2face detalle


For the production of your bent parts, our production team prepares the flat version for the first manufacturing process, laser cutting. It may happen that when the geometry is unfolded, overlapping areas may appear, making it impossible to manufacture. We recommend checking this aspect during the design of your parts to avoid delays in your order.

collision solapas

Common Errors and Solutions in the Configurator

In our part configurator, we alert you to various scenarios in your parts that prevent us from manufacturing or interpreting them correctly.

Here are the most common cases and how to fix them:

Thickness Not Available

 ⚠ Problem: This error occurs when the selected sheet thickness is not available in any of our materials.

✅Solution: Redesign your part in your CAD program using one of the available thicknesses. You can check the list of accepted thicknesses in our configurator.

Maximum Dimensions Exceeded

 ⚠ Problem: To manufacture a bent part, we first perform a laser cut of its flat development. We have sheets up to 3000 x 1500 mm for most materials and 2000 x 1000 mm for others. If your flat design exceeds these dimensions, manufacturing will not be possible.

✅Solution: Redesign your part in your CAD program to fit within the permitted dimensions. If your final project allows it, split the design into two or more parts and upload them separately to the configurator.

Unsupported File Format

 ⚠ Problem: Currently, at LaserBoost, we accept CAD files in the following formats: DXF, DWG, EPS, SVG, PDF, Adobe Illustrator, and STEP. We are working to expand compatibility with more formats.

✅Solution: Export your design in your CAD program to one of the accepted formats before uploading it to the configurator. The currently accepted formats are the most widely used and compatible with most CAD programs.

Geometry Error

 ⚠ Problem: This error may be due to issues in the 3D design or an unmanufacturable geometry, preventing correct interpretation in our automatic analysis module.

✅Solution: Carefully review our user guide and ensure that your design meets the manufacturing requirements. If the configurator still does not accept your design, contact our technical team at

Delivery of Parts, Not Scrap

At LaserBoost, we only deliver the requested parts, without including interior scraps or exterior waste. This is due to material optimization and the cutting strategy followed during the manufacturing phase, always aiming to ensure minimal material waste and better cutting quality. Interior scraps will only be left in designs where their removal is impossible without damaging the part or its geometry.

Evaluation of Additional and Special Requests

Any comments or special needs provided with the order will be evaluated by our technical department. If the request involves additional adjustments in the manufacturing process, it may incur an extra charge, which will be communicated before proceeding with production.

General modifications have been applied, including the addition of new sections and the update of values in the tables.

Any questions? LaserBoost’s technical team is at your disposal to help you with your design and validate its productive potential.
Contact us here.

About LaserBoost User Guides, Tolerances and LaserBoost service capabilities.
It is possible to correctly produce parts that do not meet the capabilities listed here, however, correct cutting and/or bending results are not guaranteed by LaserBoost if they do not meet the specifications listed on our website. If a design does not meet any of the advertised tolerances, capacities or limitations, it may be produced by LaserBoost at the customer’s risk. You can validate the correct producibility of your design prior to ordering by contacting our technical team at
For more information about the use of our platform you can visit our Terms and Conditions of Service.

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